anything you have felt prior to this exact moment. It is a different feeling, one which compels you to pay attention like never before. Hopefully you do, hopefully you don't let the current action seekers, who hover all around you, draw your attention away from the spark. Because if they do, they have drawn you away from this very important spark moment, you being changed forever. Perhaps this spark will get you involved in a new memory instead, because you can't step toward or into the spark, it happens - sparks are not always well timed. Whether you act on the spark or not, ackowledging the moment of a spark hitting you, well, this feeling should never leave you, sparks are quite unique.
This happens a lot when love is in the air. As when you walk into a crowded room and have a spark of love hit you in the head when your eyes meet. Yes, I have learned this spark is about a person of importance, however in my life it was really past loves encountering each other in this lifetime; they never became anything - just saying.
Unlike ignoring the spark-jolt to the emotions, sometimes a spark will ignite another moment, as in lighting a fire, and in this case it is to light the fire place and warm the soul as you gaze at the burning flames. Fire is the result of a spark, so sparks can also be dangerous. Handle with caution, regardless of the flames, real or metaphorically speaking, a spark is best handled with caution.
So, as I drift into my Sunday to find or make sparks jump to the front cortex of my brain, I leave you with this weeks' sampling of "Spark", Illustration Friday's word of the week. Let the sparks begin!
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