This time of year screams, "Who Am I?", and lo and behold we are seeing ads for a brilliant documentary on Netflix, "Tell Me Who I Am." Brilliant documentary,
really; that's the trailer, I highly recommend it, however the subject matter is secrets, child pedophilia, and hard to watch. This documentary focuses on twins before the motorcycle accident, after the motorcycle accident and then after both parents died. A trilogy of events, filmed in stark black, gray and white tones, it is a beautiful presentation of a huge secret one twim chose to bear alone for over 30 years while building his brothers, and ultimately his childhood, over as it should have been in another lifetime. If you can, watch it.
"...the film offers a strikingly intimate portrait of the now middle-aged twins coming to terms with the facts of their lives." Time magazine article.
The picture is one I found on the internet from a studio that makes things, props, puppets. The realness in the face is one I'd like to draw. So expressive. Old age with the joy of a baby face all over it. So pure & clean.It's almost Halloween and I am planning my costume over the next 24 hrs all virtually in my head as I have so many thigs to do tom'w... I just love a good costume. I work on Halloween so leaving to day and saying as we left eachother's company, "See ya back here on Halloween!" After 6 years they know I love a good Halloween Costume Day. Now should I have an Office appropriate Costume or just go for broke and do the all day to night costume persuasion? My dilema.
And there is a series of
numerological events creeping up starting 10-28 through 11-3. Did you feel anything? I have. The image oin the left spoke volumes about dress up this Halloween holiday season. Thin veils, open portals, ability to reconnect, releash and rebirth ourselves in time for 2020.

I'm taking a serious look at all I am learning. Heck yeah I'm listening. Life is a one day at a time deal breaker here & so far, I'm still here so that has got to account for something and for me to figure out. LOL. Here come the holidays... ....what will they bring?
So, Santa Ana's are ridiculous out here in La La State. I can hear Johnny Cash music in the background to all that is happening, yet today I remain safe. Found places to sell my Halloween digital designs,
LEGGINGS! Been fun doing a new item here and there. Mac computer started not liking my operating program as set up at Zazzle was different and less easy, but then of course I figured it out...and found
pillows, leggings and
shower curtains.

Make sure you use your turn signals, it is $238 if you don't and the police give you a ticket for this infraction. I think it should be a part of Driver's Ed, they should talk about the punishment clause there is for forgetting sometimes stupid things. • The Van Custom Culture Shoe contest I participated in is now under review to resurface in December for final voting. I won't know a thing till then. • New Moon coming soon!
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