Thursday, September 26, 2019

Straining against the Sands of Time

I just posted this illustration on the Illustration Friday's Week's Topic Board in hopes of catching the eye of the voters and being selected. No prize, just free advertising.

It was a quick drawing however why I did it was mainly I had just re-opened this blog, which I started because of IF ; so I also went back to IF''s site. Lo and behold the subject was DREAM.

I have always dreamed big, which still compels me to "believe" as my dreams have arrived with great depression this year. This year has had a journey so oddly difficult in uncanny ways all I have these days are dreams.
My life has been funny, weirdly challenging for me, and even though I feel I have not reached the measurable success I wanted back in Junior College, I am grateful for being alive, allowed to have all my faculties, well most of them, and able to create drawings from a blank piece of paper that I think of in my head. A LOT of people have great imaginations, ideas they see in their heads, but are clueless on how to get their minds to talk to their hands and direct their hands how to translate their ideas for others to go "ouuu" or "Wow..." when shown their concept. I can do that, tech others how it can be done, I like this part of my life and I am focusing on doing this more as retirement draws near.

Life is about dreaming, desire of fulling a dream or even better, inspiring many because they had a dream to share with the world. So I dream BIG. Doesn't hurt to dream and the cost of having dreams is dreaming more dreams as time allows. I hope I get my dream one day, before I am too old to really want it anymore, that's what I fear now, age was the fear I had in Jr. College. It saddens me, depresses me and is now effecting my motivational energies due to lack of dream fulfillment; I am constantly asking myself to what end will this all be if I pursue "this" or "that"? Stops me cold.  I have had so many stops along the way before arriving here I live in a home of Projects Without Ends; the pain and depression overwhelm me some days and I wait for it to go away. All I can do is wait. Been there so many times, I now know what to expect. So I wait.

So at ten minutes to another day, I will go off and think of what I need to attend to next, what I have forgotten, clean up a little, post a little more and then go off into my good night to dream a really BIG DREAM. My eyes tear up and the inclining of hope that tomorrow might just be THAT DAY....

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