This has been a year of many things. Triumphs and failures abound. I wonder about the reasons why my life is this way; I find myself frozen sitting in a chair unable to move for long periods when I think about why. I am far from what I think my success should be at this juncture of my life & WHY it is NOT FINE.
Quite by accident I learned about this painting style (the painting on the right) when asked to teach a class; it is called POUR PAINTING. This is my very first one, ever. I used it for my my submission to Her Art Here, a United Airlines contest to award two artists, (one in CA, one in NY) a plane wrap. I had to do a short video (amoung other things much easier to tackle), by talking about myself & why I thought my art should be selected. After 300 or so pre-takes of this video & my son's blessings to sign off on the vid, I sent the whole package off & crossed my fingers. Sadly I was not selected, the "art" they were hoping for was more of a "doodle art"style, than a pour painting. Oh well, another time to win at contests. Pretty painting though & it is forsale!

So for now I need to go, life is calling per usual, so I will be back, thanks for reading! --JP
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